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S L E E P E R   C A B   A I R C O N D I T I O N I N G

S P O I L  Y O U R S E L F ,  C O N S I D E R  A  S L E E P A I R  U L T I M A T E

For over 10 years CustomAir has been manufacturing and developing our own sleeper cab air conditioning system. Our SleepAir Ultimate is a diesel-powered integrated air-conditioning system suitable for all brands of trucks, including Kenworth, Western Star, Freightliner, Mack and Volvo. The system has been, and still is, the object of continual improvement and we constantly strive to reduce noise and vibration while improving reliability, degree of integration and ease of service.Performance has never been an issue.

S T A N D A R D   F E A T U R E S

• The famous Kubota single cylinder OC60 oil-cooled engine

• 60 amp alternator

• Choice of Side Mount or Rear Mount

• Narrow Side Mount SM320

• Optional diesel heating is also available

• Bed head controls, including on / off switch

• Approx. 0.5L fuel consumption (from main tanks) per hour

• Optional "fixed remote on / off" switch, mainly located in drivers seat base

• BATTERY monitoring facility standard fitment

B A T T E R Y  M O N I T O R I N G  F E A T U R E

Our system has a solid state battery monitoring function. In stand-by mode while the truck is parked up, the truck battery voltage is constantly monitored. Should it drop below 12 volts the engine will start ( a buzzers sounds to alter you should be near the engine) and automatically begin to recharge the truck for a period of 30 minutes. After this time the engine will stop, re-sample the battery voltage and should they be above 12.5 the units goes back to "monitoring" status. This means you can leave your truck parked up indefinitely with the fridge on and not end up with the hassle of flat batteries.

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